There are 15 different categories in The Best Finnish Beer competition in 2024.
The beers in the competition are categorized by applying the Beer Judge Certification Program Style Guidelines 2021.
1. Non-alcoholic or Low-alcoholic Beer
Category for beers with an alcohol content less than 2.8% ABV. Non-alcoholic beers contain alcohol less than 0.5% ABV.
035A Non-alcoholic beer
035B Low-alcoholic beer
2. Lightly Hopped Pale Lager
Category for the bottom fermented lightly hopped pale lagers. Examples of the International and American Pale Lagers are typically industrial scale beers with big brands.
001A American Light Lager
001B American Lager
002A International Pale Lager
004A Munich Helles
005A German Leichtbier
002A1 Mexican Lager
3. Pils or Other Hoppy Lagers
Category for the bottom fermented bitter pils (pilsner, pilsener) and other hoppy lagers.
003B Czech Premium Pale Lager
005D German Pils
027A6 Pre-Prohibition Lager
034B1 Other Hoppy Pils
034B2 Other Strongly Hopped Lager
034B4 India Pale Lager
4. Other Pale Lager
Category for the other bottom fermented pale lagers.
002D Strong Pale Lager
003A Czech Pale Lager
004B Festbier
004C Maibock
005C Dortmunder / German Helles Exportbier
009AB Pale Doppelbock
007C1 Pale Kellerbier
5. Dark or Coloured Lager
Category for the bottom fermented Amber and Dark Lagers and Dark Bocks.
002B International Amber Lager
002C International Dark Lager
003C Czech Amber Lager
003D Czech Dark Lager
006A Märzen
006C Dunkles Bock
007A Vienna Lager
008A Munich Dunkel
008B Schwarzbier
009AA Dark Doppelbock
009B Eisbock
019B California Common
007C2 Pale Kellerbier
6. Pale or Amber Ale /Category sponsored by Viking Malt
Category for the top fermented pale or amber ales, traditional English IPA:s and pale strong ales. Colour scale is up to dark copper, about 50 EBC.
001C Cream Ale
005B Kölsch
007B Altbier
007B1 Sticke & Doppelsticke Altbier
011A Ordinary Bitter
011B Best Bitter
011C Strong Bitter
011B1 British Pale Ale
012A British Golden Ale
012B Australian Sparkling Ale
012C English IPA
013A Dark Mild
013B British Brown Ale
014A Scottish Light (60 shillings)
014B Scottish Heavy (70 shillings)
014C Scottish Export (80 shillings)
015A Irish Red Ale
017A British Strong Ale
017A1 Burton Ale
017B Old Ale
017C Wee Heavy
017D English Barley Wine
018A American Blonde Ale
019A American Amber Ale
019C American Brown Ale
022B American Strong Ale
022C American Barleywine
024B Belgian Pale Ale
024C Bière de Garde
025A Belgian Blond Ale
025B Saison
025B1 Grisette
025C Belgian Golden Strong Ale
026A Belgian Single
026B Belgian Dubbel
026C Belgian Tripel
026D Belgian Dark Strong Ale
027A2 Kentucky Common
027A4 London Brown Ale
7. APA or Session IPA
Category for the American Pale Ales and light session-type IPA’s.
018B American Pale Ale
021B8 Specialty IPA – Session IPA
8. Hazy IPA
Category for Hazy IPA’s.
021C Hazy IPA
9. IPA
Category for the American IPA’s other than Hazy IPA, Session IPA and some specialty IPA’s that are found in other categories.
021A American IPA
021B Specialty IPA
021B1 Specialty IPA – Belgian IPA
021B2 Specialty IPA – Black IPA
021B3 Specialty IPA – Brown IPA
021B4 Specialty IPA – Red IPA
021B5 Specialty IPA – Rye IPA
021B6 Specialty IPA – White IPA
021B7 Specialty IPA – Brut IPA
022A Double IPA
021B0 Speciality IPA – Cold IPA / Specialty IPA – Cold IPA
10. Wheat Beer
Category for bottom- or top-fermented wheat beers.
001D American Wheat Beer
010A Weissbier
010B Dunkles Weissbier
010C Weizenbock
022D Wheatwine
024A Witbier
027A5 Piwo Grodziskie
034B3 Hoppy Weizenbock
11. Stout or Porter /Category sponsored by Viking Malt
Category for the stouts and porters regardless of strength or the yeast type used for fermentation. Barrel-aged or otherwise aged beers do not belong here; they have their own category.
009C Baltic Porter
013C English Porter
015B Irish Stout
015C Irish Extra Stout
016A Sweet Stout
016B Oatmeal Stout
016C Tropical Stout
016D Foreign Extra Stout
020A American Porter
020B American Stout
020C Imperial Stout
027A7 Pre-Prohibition Porter
031B1 Dessert/Pastry Stout
034B5 Belgian Stout
12. Sour Beer, unspiced or spiced
Category for both spiced and unspiced sour beers. For example, Lambic, Gose, Berliner Weisse, Sour Ale and other sour beers.
021B9 Specialty IPA – Sour IPA
023A Berliner Weisse
023B Flanders Red Ale
023C Oud Bruin
023D Lambic
023E Gueuze
023F Fruit Lambic
023G Gose
027A3 Lichtenhainer
028A Brett Beer
028B Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer
028C Wild Specialty Beer
028D Straight Sour Beer
028D1 Florida Weisse
034D Other Sour Beer
13. Spiced Beer
Category for spiced beers. For example, fruit beers, berry beers and other spiced beers. Sour beers are not meant to be in this category.
027A1 Gruit
029A Fruit Beer
029B Fruit and Spice Beer
029C Specialty Fruit Beer
029C1 Milkshake IPA
029D Grape Ale
030A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer
030A1 Blonde Stout
030B S Autumn Seasonal Beer
030C Winter Seasonal Beer
030D Specialty Spice Beer
14. Aged Beer
Category for the barrel aged or otherwise aged beers.
033A Wood-Aged Beer
033B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer
034A1 Other Aged Beer
15. Other Beers
Category for the beers that don’t fit into any other competition category.
006B Rauchbier
027A8 Roggenbier
027A9 Sahti
031A Alternative Grain Beer
031B Alternative Sugar Beer
032A Classic Style Smoked Beer
032B Specialty Smoked Beer
034A Commercial Specialty Beer
034B Mixed-Style Beer
034C Kokeellinen olut / Experimental Beer
A brewery can label their beer as gluten-free. In this case, the beer is automatically evaluated in the category of gluten-free beers. This category is not judged separately but the best are selected among the best scoring gluten-free beers in each category.